Bio-based and renewable chemicals

Shaping a sustainable future in the chemical industry
Catalyxx is leading the transformation of linear alcohol, introducing a unique and proven process with a negative carbon footprint. Nature captures CO2 from the atmosphere that is transformed into sugars. Natural yeast converts the sugars into ethanol in a process that has existed for thousands of years. Finally, Catalyxx transforms ethanol into high-value chemicals using our patented thermo-chemical catalytical process
Carbon capture. We are negative!
A true shift from fossil to decarbonized chemicals. Our independent third-party Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) demonstrates that we save 3.5kg of CO2e per kg of bio-based chemical produced.
We are biogenic!
We do not use strange compensation mechanisms or a mass balance approach. Our alcohols are 100% biogenic as all carbon in our products has been captured first by plants.
And yes, our green technology is competitive in price vs existing fossil-based processes
The combination of intermediate and specialty chemicals production makes our technology suitable to compete economically with the existing producers.
Green technology for the most cutting-edge industry
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Catalyxx Inc.
100 Chesterfield Business Parkway Ste 200
Chesterfield, MO 63005 USA
Catalyxx Procesos Catalíticos S.L.
Polígono El Cáñamo II, Calle Leonardo da Vinci 25
43100 La Rinconada, Sevilla, Spain